Convert power spectrogram to relative decibel(dB) spectrogram. |
Convert power spectrogram to absolute decibel(dB) spectrogram |
Convert magnitude spectrogram to absolute decibel(dB) spectrogram |
log compression |
log10 compression |
Calculate the time domain DB |
Compute delta features |
Extract phase data from a complex-valued spectrogram D. |
Compute the weight-a of a set of frequencies. |
Compute the weight-b of a set of frequencies. |
Compute the weight-c of a set of frequencies. |
Compute the weight-d of a set of frequencies. |
min max scale |
stand scale |
max abs scale |
robust scale |
center scale |
mean scale |
arctan scale |
Load an audio file as a NumPy array of floats. |
Write audio data from a NumPy array to the file. |
Convert audio data from multi-channel to single-channel |
Resample audio data from source_sr to target_sr |
chirp signal |
Wave Reader |
Wave Writer |
Convert note to MIDI number. |
Convert note to the frequency (Hz). |
Convert MIDI number to note. |
Convert MIDI number to the frequency (Hz). |
Convert the frequency (Hz) to note. |
Convert the frequency (Hz) to MIDI number. |
Generate an audio array based on the frequency f0. |
Get sample path |